
Blogged by joan as cadaquĆ©s,photochances,sea — joan Tue 19 Jun 2007 8:05 am


  1. Comment by ATZU — June 22, 2007 at 5:50 pm

    M’agrada molt la composiciĆ³ de la foto, i el tractament agosarat.

    salut !

  2. Comment by jean paul — February 15, 2010 at 7:29 pm

    i’m french , i love cadaques and catalunia , your pictures are great , i like your work …
    i try to be a good photograh , try , and try … i live in south of france ; you can have a look to my photo blog (
    and leave a comment !!! (about my photos of cadaques , you will recognise)

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