
This an many other images here have been processed with PhotoChances
Here is a small tutorial on how to achieve this same effect with the program
This an many other images here have been processed with PhotoChances
Here is a small tutorial on how to achieve this same effect with the program
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Comment by NJ & SB Photography — March 8, 2008 at 6:34 pm
he vist la foto en petit al
i m’agradat molt aquesta perspectiva del pont del petroli…jo també n’hi fet unes quantes, però com aquesta no…i es maquíssima
el tractament de primera!
et felicito es molt bona.!!
Comment by Toti — March 9, 2008 at 1:49 pm
Realment impressionant..el color, la prespectiva, la composició…molt bona !!