Currently browsing category: stereo

Ivy (anaglyph)

Blogged by joan as anaglyph,plants,stereo — joan Sat 17 Jan 2009 6:51 pm
Ivy (anaglyph)

This is a stereo image, it has deepth but to look at it you will need stereo glasses like these.
or try with two colored glasses or cellophan paper, red for the left eye, blue/green for the right

Aixó es una imatge estereo, te profunditat pero per mirar-la necessitaràs unes ulleres d'aquestes
(o bé pots provar amb un parell de celofans o vidres de colors, vermell per l'ull esquerra i vert/blau pel dret)

Or seen another way

Stereo tree (anaglyph)

Blogged by joan as anaglyph,stereo — joan Fri 27 Jun 2008 7:50 pm

This is an alternate way to look at the previous image, you will need stereo glasses like these.

Un altre manera de mirar la imatge anterior, caldran ulleres stereo com aquestes
(o bé pots provar amb un parell de celofans)


Stereo tree

Blogged by joan as stereo — joan Tue 24 Jun 2008 5:42 pm

This is a stero image, it can be seen in 3D. It has to be seen "eye crossed": Stay at the normal disctance from the monitor and cross your eyes so the two images will become tree. The image in the middle is in 3D. If it's the first time you see an image of these relax your eyes, probably at first the image is not very stable and not focused, relax, concentrate in the middle image but not try to hard and eventually you should see it focused. (Relax if you get tired) You should end seeing the middle 3d image it very clearly so if you don't but can see the depth maybe you are not focusing it properly, keep trying. Press the F11 key if you don't see the image complete.

Català: Aixo es una foto estèreo. S'ha de veure creuant la vista, l'ull dret ha de veure la imatge de la esquerra i al inrevés. Per fer-ho has de mirar una mica guenyo, no massa, com si estiguessis mirant a un punt per davant de la pantalla. Al mirar guenyo es veuen tres imatges, la del mig es la bona, al principio es una mica confus pero ves provant -i descansant de tant en tant- i al final es veu clarament i val la pena. (al intentar mirar força a creuar la vista mes, i relaxa una mica). Prem la tecla F11 si no veus la imatge complerta

Stereo tree

Exposed roots

Blogged by joan as landscape,stereo — joan Mon 4 Jun 2007 7:25 pm

(Wait to finish loading, you should see an image moving) (Esperat que s'acabi de carregar, s'ha de veure una imatge movent-se)

And one more of dancing pines / Pins ballarins

Blogged by joan as stereo — joan Fri 1 Jun 2007 1:57 pm
The stereo images are here

More stero twisting experiments / Experiments de fotos “pseudo estereo”

Blogged by joan as stereo — joan Thu 31 May 2007 11:11 am
The stereo images are here
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